Monday, May 7, 2012

Winger's Sticky Fingers

If you live outside of Utah or Idaho you might not have heard of Winger's, but they have the most delicious sticky fingers that I have ever tasted! They have a little kick to them... but they are just SO delicious. I was craving them for awhile (thank you pregnancy!) and didn't really want to go buy some... so I've been searching for a good copy cat recipe for the sauce and found this one! Then I had a hard time finding the hot sauce they recommended... when I finally saw it at the grocery store I was SO excited to give it a try and it was Y-U-M-M-Y!!!!!

1 package frozen breaded chicken strips or popcorn chicken
6 TBS Frank's Hot Sauce (according to the recipe I read no other sauce will taste as good as the Frank's brand, which is why it took me awhile to try out this recipe!
4 TBS Water
1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar

Prepare the chicken strips or popcorn chicken according to the directions on the package (I will usually cook them to be on the crispier side).

Heat the hot sauce, water, and brown sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Do NOT let it come to a roaring boil you will end up with a sauce that is more like a candy when it cools!

Pour the sauce over the chicken and enjoy!

Serves about 4 people.

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